The Women Who BossUp

These Women Are Just Like You. Breaking Barriers, Gaining Confidence, Thousands of New Followers and So Much More

The Women
Who BossUp

These Women Are Just Like You. Breaking Barriers, Gaining Confidence, Thousands of New Followers and So Much More

Hey Tam Here!

I just want to take a moment to thank you so much for joining our last Women Who BossUp Event.

And choosing to invest your time with the Women Who BossUp Community.

Now it is time to focus only on you.

If you desire to...

  • Create credibility and influence to ELEVATE YOUR BRAND

  • Get QUALIFIED EXPOSURE for your business and consistent traffic to your website.

  • Build a COMMUNITY OF SUPER FANS that will want to hire you, buy from you and refer business to you.


Hey Tam Here!

I just want to take a moment to thank you so much for joining our last Women Who BossUp Event.

And choosing to invest your time with the Women Who BossUp Community.

Now it is time to focus only on you.

If you desire to...

  • Create credibility and influence to ELEVATE YOUR BRAND

  • Get QUALIFIED EXPOSURE for your business and consistent traffic to your website.

  • Build a COMMUNITY OF SUPER FANS that will want to hire you, buy from you and refer business to you.


Women Who BossUp
Talk Of The Town
Will Include Participation In The #1 Best Book And Media Promotion Ever!

Women Who BossUp
Talk Of The Town
Will Include Participation In The #1 Best Book And Media Promotion Ever!

Jennifer Blair

CEO & Founder of Excavive

Coaching & Consulting

"Participating In This Project Took Me To Another Level And I'm So Grateful!"

"Participating In This Project Took Me To Another Level And I'm So Grateful!"

Jennifer Blair

CEO & Founder of Excavive

Coaching & Consulting

Here Are A Few Stories

If you are an expert who recognizes the value

of having a book, than read on....

A book is the ultimate positioning tool to propel your business to new heights, and gain you more credibility and profits for the rest of your life!

When you become a "Best seller", people will trust you as an expert in your field.

Your influence will now help you... command greater fees, charge higher prices, and lower price resistance.
Sharing your story helps people. Your valuable tips and resources changes their life. And becoming an Amazon Bestselling author, is a lifelong dream. But without the time, money or audience you keep putting it off. No more waiting, this project is the perfect fit for you.

Our series of co-authored books provide Superwoman like you, the opportunity to share your story in a book that can leverage your unique message and escalate your brand. It will also provide you with a ton of exposure and the opportunity to connect to our community.

We can also help them go on to publish their own book if that is your next goal.

Visibility is bKey To Growing Your Business!

IMAGINE: What Would Life Look Like When You:

  • Diversify with additional products, an active REVENUE STREAM and unlimited income potential.

  • ATTRACT MEDIA interviews, collaborations, and speaking engagements.

  • Be positioned as an INFLUENCER in your field to attract new opportunities.

  • INSPIRE GENERATIONS OF WOMEN GLOBALLY to live a life by their design.

  • Become an AMAZON BESTSELLING AUTHOR and expand your international reach.

Here Are A Few Stories

If you are an expert who recognizes the value

of having a book, than read on....

A book is the ultimate positioning tool to propel your business to new heights, and gain you more credibility and profits for the rest of your life!

When you become a "Best seller", people will trust you as an expert in your field.

Your influence will now help you... command greater fees, charge higher prices, and lower price resistance.
Sharing your story helps people. Your valuable tips and resources changes their life. And becoming an Amazon Bestselling author, is a lifelong dream. But without the time, money or audience you keep putting it off. No more waiting, this project is the perfect fit for you.

Our series of co-authored books provide Superwoman like you, the opportunity to share your story in a book that can leverage your unique message and escalate your brand. It will also provide you with a ton of exposure and the opportunity to connect to our community.

We can also help them go on to publish their own book if that is your next goal.

Visibility is bKey To Growing Your Business!

IMAGINE: What Would Life Look Like When You:

  • Diversify with additional products, an active REVENUE STREAM and unlimited income potential.

  • ATTRACT MEDIA interviews, collaborations, and speaking engagements.

  • Be positioned as an INFLUENCER in your field to attract new opportunities.

  • INSPIRE GENERATIONS OF WOMEN GLOBALLY to live a life by their design.

  • Become an AMAZON BESTSELLING AUTHOR and expand your international reach.

Assemble Your Tribe

Assemble Your Tribe

  • You will be interviewed on Women With Vision podcast.

  • Our marketing team will provide support with social media graphics, email swipes, videos and promotion materials.

  • You will be featured in our BossUp Media Tour for four months.

  • You will be apart of an exclusive community of VIP authors.

  • You will receive training with a PR consultant about how to pitch to your local market.

  • Each author will get a press release getting them on a major publications such as (nbc, cbs, and fox)

  • You will be a featured speaker in Women Who BossUp Summit

Publish Your Story

  • You will be apart of my "Women Who BossUp" Mastermind group

  • We will teach the proprietary "One Book to 6 Figure" Signature Method for maximum profits.

  • You will learn how to use this book project to lead to your signature course.

You Will Not Be A
Secret Anymore!

  • Want those results for your business too? Then let's do it!

  • This will be the most important mentorship you'll ever experience, we guarantee it!

Publish Your Story

  • You will be apart of my "Women Who BossUp" Mastermind group

  • We will teach the proprietary "One Book to 6 Figure" Signature Method for maximum profits.

  • You will learn how to use this book project to lead to your signature course.

You Will Not Be A
Secret Anymore!

  • Want those results for your business too? Then let's do it!

  • This will be the most important mentorship you'll ever experience, we guarantee it!

Like the people featured above, you owe it to yourself

and your message to get the support you need to


Are YOU Ready to Boss Up?

It's a Decision (and it's YOURS). And I empower you to make that decision RIGHT NOW.


Like the people featured above, you owe it to yourself

and your message to get the support you need to


Are YOU Ready
to Boss Up?

It's a Decision (and it's YOURS). And I empower you to make that decision RIGHT NOW.


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Schedule a FREE 1-hour call with our Success Strategists to get tailored help from an expert on your very next steps towards success.



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